From Heaven: Angels, Devas and Fallen

Created by Draco Forge

High quality resin miniatures of angelic creatures, re-imagined from fantasy and religion. Offered in both painter scale and game scale

Latest Updates from Our Project:

Stretch Goal preview, first packs delivered, new campaign!
8 months ago – Wed, Nov 01, 2023 at 07:18:20 AM

Hey everyone! 

First we want to share progress on the final stretch goals that were unlocked by everyone for the campaign, all the angels will include:

  • 1x - alternate humanoid head
  • 1x - alternate weapon pack
Lucifer with alternate head and his twin spear alternate weapon.

Delivery Progress

With the pledge manager closed, we started putting together the first packages that didn't have Samael (who is still being manufactured and completed) and delivered the first two pledges to happy local backers in Mexico! 

unfortunately, this doesn't mean all pledges have shipped! but we expect all manufacture to be finished in a couple of weeks, and then we will share the large shipment to our fulfillment partners Gamerati. 

New Project

Finally, we wanted to share our new project! 

This is a miniature storage solution, no matter if you 3d print or by your physical minis, you will find that you soon run out of place to store your miniatures, so we designed a kallax-compatible piece to store all your figures! 

This manufacture and project are not being made by the same team currently completing your pledges! So fear not, they are still fully focused on bringing this project to the finish line, but we wanted to share the project anyway in case some of you might be interested in it! 

Thanks,an  everyone! we hope you are great and find this new project fun, while you wait a little longer for your cool angels! 

The Final Angel! pledge manager locking Monday! fulfillment starts next week!
9 months ago – Sun, Oct 15, 2023 at 08:49:07 PM

Hey Everyone!

Sorry for the long time between updates! We have not been idle, we are currently finalizing everything to start fulfillment! (wave 1) next week!

Our production stands as follows: 

The Final Archangel is done! 

Samael was the last angel that needed sculpting, I am in the process of doing all the Stretch Goals (weapons, alternate heads, and base decorations) which should be done and ready next week! 

But with the last angel being done we are ready to close the Pledge Manager! 93% of you are already done, but especially if you have physical rewards, or if you want to add an extra angel now that you can see all of them, make sure to update your rewards and lock in your pledges by Tomorrow 11 PM EST! It's a tight deadline but we want to move fast to start fulfillment and since so many are already done with this process we just want to finish it out!

PDF Text sample is live!

Click to get it!

Keep in mind this pdf is not formatted, and might contain some mistakes (its pre-editing) but it contains all 6 angels, in their archangel form, their fallen angel form, and their weapons of Legacy (weapons that grow in power alongside your character!) 

I have enabled comments on the PDF so feel free to mark mistakes you catch or add comments on it, although if this feature becomes overwhelming comments will be turned off! so comment carefully :p . 

There will be another update Tomorrow as the final reminder to lock your pledges, and with a small preview of our next endeavor. 

Shipping Timeline

We intend to make the first deliveries the next week! you heard that right! We have many packs ready that don't include the angels that are still in process of being finished, and we have many locals who have been patiently waiting to get their angels, so to those that chose local pickup stay on the loop and we might have your packs ready to go soon! We will contact those that are eligible to pick their packs some time next week, and with this we start the final stage of the project. 

Digital Delivery

Next week we will also push to get the final digital delivery of all the files so that all digital heaven (80%) of our backers can be happy that they have most of their rewards (pending only the final formating and editing of the 5e free content). 

Thank You!

Thanks for holding on, this project had some hard processes and news that led to eventual delays, but we are finally on the final stretch. Thanks to everyone for holding on, and we will definitely keep in touch as we deliver your goods! 

Satan uploaded, Sera sculpt finished.
10 months ago – Fri, Aug 25, 2023 at 02:40:51 PM

Hi everyone! 


I wanted to update everyone on the status of the project! First off Satan is up on MMF so you can grab him and print him in both scales. If you still haven't received your MMF links, please send us a DM with your Myminifactory email so we can send you your rewards. 


And second! and probably more important the base sculpt for Sera is finished! I still have to scale her for the 32mm version and she will be sent to get split and supported for 3d printing next week, so she well be up soon (probably the Monday after this one). 

She has the biggest wings of all the angels, I think the sculpt came out quite cool, she is slightly shorter than the male angels but her wings quire make up for the size difference. 


We just got the final writing for the PDF, it still has to go to layout, it will be a simple PDF with the stats and a few new illustrations but the content to get these angels into 5e will be all there! We also added a secondary statblock for all angels, I didn't want them all to be super high level, so we made an alternate statblock for each Angel when they just descend into the prime material plane and don't have access to their full power. 

I will be sharing an un-foratted pdf so everyone gets access to the content before we do the layout and everything else. 

We are near the finish line! just one more angel and we are done! I will keep everyone in the loop, ETA for Samael is a couple of weeks so you will hear more of that then. 

Update! new delivery calendar and Satan Unveiled!
11 months ago – Mon, Jul 24, 2023 at 09:19:32 PM

Hi everyone!

Sorry for the delay in publishing this update, I wanted to make sure to have a new real and final delivery calendar to present to you guys. We had a bit of a delay with the sculpts, the original sculptor Alessandro told us from the start he would not be able to tackle these sculpts, so we contacted another sculptor, who unfortunately after missing some deadlines told us he would not be able to complete the assignment and we were left without the sculpts. 

So I am taking care of them now! I have a pretty full calendar but have already slotted them. I did refine and finalize the original campaign sculpts, and I will try to match the level of detail of the other sculpts to make sure the line is overall the same. 

but less talking and more showing! 


I started with Satan since he was my overall favorite from the set, I think he came out quite well! This is the 75mm version, after this i have to re-scale and detail for the 32mm version, after that make the extras (weapons, heads etc) So there is still a lot to be made for each sculpt, but I have a good calendar which I will keep to in order to make sure everything gets done! 

I hope you guys like the new sculpt, it should be on MMF soon, but I am also heading to Gencon, so there is a chance he will be uploaded after I get back (August 7th)


full production of the first 3 angels is done!

Production on the existing angels is FINISHED - however they are waiting for the others so we can fulfill the whole project, below you can see some pictures of the finished models. 

Finally I have the new calendar for deliveris and important dates for the project! I know many of you are waiting for your resin kits! 

August 1st - Upload of Satan 3d model to MMF (start of manufacture of Satan in resin), the upload could be delayed until Aug 8th after I get back from Gencon. 

August 18th - Sera sculpt reveal and start of Sera manufacturing. 

August 25th - Samael sculpt reveal and start of Samael manufacturing.

Augus 28th - Close of backerkit and charge of cards

Sept 4th - Shipping to fulfillment partners.

Sept  15th - Fulfillment starts!

I will keep everyone updated on the status of the project and where we are. Next update will be on Aug 1st and will include if Satan has been uploaded or not! so stay tuned for that one, after that next update will be on the 18th. 

Thanks everyone for the patience, and I hope everyone likes the new sculpts! I hope they meet everyone's expectations. 

Myminifactory links sent! production updates! Late pledges open!
about 1 year ago – Sat, May 13, 2023 at 02:05:14 AM

Hi everyone! 

We were able to send the links to the files on Myminifactory! This initial download contains the three core angels in both scales (32 and 75mm) we are in the process of sculpting the stretch goals and missing items and will share those once they are ready, but for now you are free to start printing these! We hope you have fun!

If you didn't get the email (check your kickstarter email and spam) or if you wish to change to another email already active in myminifactory please send us a DM to get that sorted. 

Manufacture and Pledge Manager

With that part fixed, we are steady on production of the actual miniatures, below are some pictures of the molds and production! we are steaming ahead

Remember that the pledge manager closes on the 8th of June! so make sure you have your order locked in by then. 

Late Pledges

If you missed the campaign we have opened the backerkit, where you will get access to the angels at the same discount as the kickstarter, but without the bundles. The STL pack is available as well, and some cool dragons and demons!

If you have any questions please send us a message and we will help you through them! We are incredibly excited to get this project delivered and the rest of the new angels as well! we will be posting progress on them in a couple weeks! 

Thanks as always! and if you print any angels make sure to tag us on instagram