From Heaven: Angels, Devas and Fallen

Created by Draco Forge

High quality resin miniatures of angelic creatures, re-imagined from fantasy and religion. Offered in both painter scale and game scale

Latest Updates from Our Project:

Updates! Backerkit Smoke Test, STL fulfillment and project progress!
about 1 year ago – Fri, May 05, 2023 at 01:47:25 PM

Hi Everyone!

Sorry for the radio silence we ahve been working hard on setting up everyting! since this is a new account we needed to start from scratch on everything, but we are already well on our way there. 

Smoke Tests! 

We have sent smoke tests (5% of the people should be getting them) if everything runs smoothly on those we will send the rest of the backerkit pledge manager emails and you can start to finish your orders! 

What can you do in the backerkit?

You will be able to choose any angels already included in your pledge, and add any new angels you want to your pledge. You can also Upgrade your pledge, and as a thank you to everyone that went into this project we added a new pledge. 

The believer pledge includes one of each angel, and is available in both scales. This pledge has our highest discount. 

The backerkit also lets you add individual angels to your pledge in either scale. 

Special Limited resin figures in backerkit

We have some Dragons and Demons available in the backerkit, these are from Dracostudios, and are already at the warehouse, they are limited in quantity, so if you like one make sure to snag it before they are gone! They are at a discounted special price during the backerkit. 

Digital Fulfillment

We already uploaded the files to Myminifactory, but we are waiting for them to approve our account to use the pledge manager function, they said it should be done by Monday! so just wait a bit longer and you should see an email from them with access to your figures. At this stage if anyone wants to change their email for delivery of the STLs please send us a DM so we can add it to the list. 

Sorry for the delay on these, we have just been waiting so delivery can be smoother. 

Initial delivery of the 3 main angels featured during the campaign in both scales will be what you get, and we will update to include the 3 unlocked angels during this month as they are delivered by sculptors. 

Thanks again for the wait, its almost over! 

If you have any questions or comments make sure to reach out to us and we will try to fix everything as we go! 

Thanks again for everything, we will be posting some previews of the new angel sculpts starting next week! 

Thank you! last SG unlocked
about 1 year ago – Fri, Apr 14, 2023 at 02:35:24 PM

Thanks so much everyone! This campaign was a blast, we unlocked 6 angels in total! and we are very excited to begin crafting the resin figures and get them to all the backers. 

SG unlocked! 

We didn't quite reach it, but we wanted to unlock it as a thank you yo everyone!

These decorations will be a nice thing to add to the bases or to keep as separate bits! even as markers and terrain pieces for other projects!

The kit includes

  • 2x angel skulls
  • 2x Heaven cross (broken and new)
  • 2x heavenly fowers

The base kit is available in both 75 and 32 mm versions. And every pledge with a physical angel gets one kit of the appropriate scale (one of each if you have both scale angels in your pledge) for free, you will be able to add more in the pledge manager if you want them. 

What Happens Next?

Next week is the last chance to fix any pledges that had errors or for people to try different payment methods in kickstarter. 

Pledge Manager

A week after that all the pledges are locked and we can launch the Pledge manager through Backerkit!

Backerkit will remain open for a full month, during which you will be able to complete your order, add more angels or adjust your pledge accordingly. 

Digital Fulfillment

That same week (probably a bit after the backerkit launches) we will start digital fulfillment of the STL pack through Myminifactory. If you don't have an account there yet we recommend you create one to get your rewards.  This delivery will be in waves, the first 3 angels are ready to go in both scales. Stretch goals and unlocked angels will come later as we get them from the sculptors.

While that is all going on we will have already started manufacturing of the three starting angels, we will then check back once the backerkit closes to see that we have the correct numbers for fulfillment and manufacture any missing angels. 

We also assigned the new 3d sculpts so you will be seeing all of the new ones before the backerkit closes so you know which angels you want (or if you want to add more to your order!) 

After that during June we will lock all orders and send them to our fulfillment partners to have them sent to each final backer! We expect most of you will be receiving your angels during June and July! at that date we should also be finished with the writing and layout for the book and send you the link for download through DrivethruRPG, for those that opted for the print on demand, you will get your discount code at that date as well. 


We will keep sharing updates and previews at least once every two weeks to keep everyone in the loop! If you have any questions please let us know we are more than eager to answer any. 

Final Thanks

A final thanks to everyone in the team, who are incredibly excited for the project. 

Also a huge shoutout to Mimi painting Studios for the amazing raphael they painted for us. 

And Alan from Bicefalo Art Studios, who painted all three angels in 32mm (plus an extra one that he just completed!)

Thanks again! we hope to bring you these amazing models and to see your own painted versions! 

Stretch Goals 5 & 6, the new Devil unlocked and one more stretch goal in the distance!
about 1 year ago – Thu, Apr 13, 2023 at 01:55:22 PM

First lets take a look at what has happened in the last few days! 

First we unlocked the alternate weapons! 

These weapons will be present as extra bits in every resin kit, and an extra STL file for digital pledges. Mechanically for the RPG these weapons are the same, however they are just a visually different weapon for each angel (yes even those that don't originally have weapons like Lucifer). Below is a list for what you can expect for each angel. 

Lucifer - Twin spears (short and long spear)

Raphael - Glaive

Azrael - Scythe

Sera - Crossbow

Samael - Greatsword

Satan - Trident

And finally! our last (at least for this campaign!) unlocked angel... cross that, devil.

satans true form will remain veieled until a later time, but we can feast on his devil form for now!

Satan is available in both 75 and 32mm resin kits and will be included as an extra STL file in both scales. This devil is present in a similar but very unique form than its bretheren. He will make a great figure to paint and have! You can add him now by adjusting your pledge, or later in the pledge manager. 

Base Decorations

This is the last SG (for now! lets see if we reach it before the campaign ends). This small pack of extras will include some nice pieces to help accentuate your bases, or create separate markers and decorative elements. The Kit contains

  • 2 deva skulls
  • 2 heavenly crosses (new and broken)
  • 2 heavenly flowers

This kit is available in both scales, and you will get a free kit with your pledge in the size of your chosen angels, if you have multiple sizes in your pledge you get one kit of each scale. This kit will also be available as an add-on if you want to have more than one. 

Thanks as always this has been an incredible ride! we are excited for the end of the campaign and ready to start making the angels! 

Stretch Goals 3 & 4 unlocked! Samael, and weapons of Legacy (rpg upgrade)
about 1 year ago – Fri, Apr 07, 2023 at 12:26:13 PM

The Third and Fourth stretch goals have been unlocked! 

First up is the weapons of legacy RPG upgrade. 

Weapons of legacy allows for magic weapons to unlock new powers and increase in strength by completing interesting side-quests or objectives, and by increasing the character level. Making sure to add a cool element of growth to equipment as well as character. 

a weapon may change as it unlocks new powers.

This system allows for the introduction of legendary weapons at low levels, but they need to be worked on to unlock their true potential. A weapon of legacy will be added for each of the unlocked angels! so the more angels we ultimately unlock the bigger this upgrade gets. 

Now on to our new Angel! Samael

Samael is another of the fallen angels, he corrupts the pure into anger and feeds off the violence. His wings have been corrupted into demonic versions and it is said the sound of them can turn those that have sinned insane. 

This awesome angel is now available to be chosen as one of your rewards. You can add them by adjusting your pledge now, or through the pledge manager once that launches. This angel as all others is included in both 32mm and 75mm scale, and both versions have been added to the STL rewards as well. 

Now on to the next SG

Another upgrade to weapons! This upgrade will affect all physical models as well as digital STLs. It introduces alternate weapons or shapes of weapon to each angel (yes even including those that do not originally have weapons). This will be an extra bit present in all resin kits, and an extra STL file for each weapon and should add some customizability for your angels! So far these are the concepts for each angel: 

Lucifer - Twin spears (short and long spear) 

Raphael - Glaive

Azrael - Scythe

Sera - Crossbow

Samael - Greatsword 

And after that we see the next unlockable angel! lets hope we get to it! 

Thanks everyone! 

Stretch Goal 2 unlocked! Sera has come, and we have a New angel in sight!
about 1 year ago – Sun, Apr 02, 2023 at 10:11:57 PM

The Second Stretch goal and the first New Angel has been unleashed!


One of the eight judges that stand at the gates of heaven. She has brought her power down to earth to smite the greatest evil. 

Now that she is unlocked you will be able to choose her as a reward in the pledge manager. In case you want to add more angels to your pledge remember that you can do so by managing your pledge, or wait and do it during the pledge manager phase. She will be available in both 32 and 75 mm resin kits, and will be added to all the Digital STL pledges in both scales as well. 

Lets keep rising! There is another angel in the horizon, will we be able to meet him?